
Growing up with a mother who has always been a lover of fashion and accessories has always inspired me to become who I am today. Her love for antiques, accessories and luxury items has definitely grew on me.

Years ago when I started my twitter account I got introduced to the fashion world on the internet and I fell in love. My style has definitely evolved and I learnt from the best. I would go through outfit photos throughout the day, bloggers, look books, fashion blogs anything and anyone that comes by my sight.

I started posting outfit pictures of myself to inspire others (on Instagram) , and after receiving so many lovely compliments from total strangers , family and friends, I have finally decided to start my own blog, keeping it aside for my fashion thoughts, for those who already follow me on Instagram, I guess you have an idea what my blog would be about.

It’s about me, my love for fashion, and a little bit of my private life.
Hope you enjoy my fashion diary.
Raya xx


6 thoughts on “About

    1. Aaa thank you lanoosh! Im so excited over this
      Inshalla will fill it with lots of fashion sooon šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜ thanks for your support

  1. Your style is so amazing … i think u will be a fashion icon someday .. Way to go nshalla best of luck šŸ˜

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